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Catching stars:
5-star steals.

Think luxury stays are only for the ultra-rich? We’ve taken a look at the destinations around the world that have amazing 5-star hotels at affordable prices. You’ll also find handy info on the best times to book and best months to travel to get your price even lower. See where you can catch all five stars without breaking the bank.

Catching stars:
5-star steals.

Think luxury stays are only for the ultra-rich? We’ve taken a look at the destinations around the world that have amazing 5-star hotels at affordable prices. You’ll also find handy info on the best times to book and best months to travel to get your price even lower. See where you can catch all five stars without breaking the bank.

Spoil yourself for less in luxury resorts around the world.

Tired of sacrificing luxury for price on your stays? Same here – that’s why we drilled into our data on hotels in hundreds of cities around the globe to reveal where you can have a heavenly stay at down-to-earth prices.

Use the map below to see average prices of 5-star hotels in each city and when to book them and travel to get the best offer.

Discover where you could spend the least on a luxury holiday.

Zoom in, tap on a city below and get information on the city’s 5-star hotels.

Get a sneak peek of upcoming
prices on 5-star hotels.

Cities with 5-star hotels at the lowest prices

Cities with 5-star hotels at the highest prices

All prices displayed are average prices per night for a 5-star double room. Please note that these prices may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

4 eye-opening insights you probably didn’t know.

One night in Saint Barthélemy can cost as much as one month in Indonesia
Stays in Positano and Taormina, Italy cost three times more than in the Middle East on average
Florianopolis (Brazil), Langkawi (Malaysia) and Oia (Greece) have hotels with high review scores at low prices
You can go luxe for less in Europe and North America in January, Asia Pacific and Latin America in November

Luxury – as recommended by guests like you.

The level of luxury and service in some stays is so exceptional, guests can’t stop raving about it. Check out these 5-star hotels that have gotten a review score of 8 or higher out of 10 and will run you less than ₹25,000 per night on average.

Recommended worldwide at under ₹25,000 per night on average

Recommended in India at under ₹25,000 per night on average

Find your stay.

More inspiration to feed your luxury experience.



The star rating is provided to KAYAK by the property, and is usually determined by an official hotel rating organisation or another third party. Only hotels qualified as 5-star have been taken into data analysis.
Our most searched 5-star hotel city destinations worldwide have been identified based on searches conducted on KAYAK portfolio domains from 01 July 2022 – 30 June 2023 for the travel period 01 November 2022 – 31 October 2023. Cities were then further shortlisted based on data availability, which resulted in a total of 273 cities used in this analysis.

Prices for 5-star hotels

Average prices are based on searches conducted across KAYAK portfolio domains from 01 July 2022 – 30 June 2023 for the travel period 01 November 2022 – 31 October 2023.

The overall “Average price” is calculated by taking into account all one-night stays within a given time range, i.e. considering both weekend and weekday stays.

All prices displayed are average prices per night for a 5-star double room.

Please note that these prices may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

Best value travel month for a 5-star hotel stay

Average prices per night per travel month are based on searches conducted across KAYAK portfolio domains from 01 July 2021 – 30 June 2023 for the travel period 01 November 2021 – 31 October 2023.

Best time to book a 5-star hotel

Best time to book insights are estimated from our internal historical search data across KAYAK portfolio domains. Search data from the past year is aggregated for each day difference between date of departure and search date from 0 to 120 days (about 4 months ahead is the earliest we consider), taking the bottom 10 percentile of 5-star hotel prices. The minimum prices and corresponding day difference are identified to approximate the best times to book hotels for the specific destination city. We do not generate estimates for destination cities with fewer than 40 data points per day differences.

When the best time to book falls within 0 to 14 days, it is labeled as “Last-minute deals”.

Average hotel ratings of 5-star hotels

The average rating of 5-star hotels in a given city is calculated from reviews of 5-star hotels collected over the period of the past 2 years from data pulled on 20 July 2023. The reviews come from KAYAK and partner websites (Agoda,, Guestsuite, Homeaway, Hotelscombined and Priceline).

Luxury – as recommended by guests like you.

These are 5-star hotels with an average nightly rate of under £235, based on searches conducted between 01 October 2022 – 30 June 2023. The ten highest-rated hotels in each country and globally that each have a minimum of 80 reviews are displayed. If these criteria are not fulfilled, fewer hotels are presented.

Lowest-priced and highest-priced destinations for 5-star hotels

The lowest-priced and highest-priced destination rankings for the current and coming month are sourced from our internal search data on KAYAK portfolio domains from the past 180 days, with updates made on the 1st of each month. To provide an accurate estimate of nightly rates for standard double rooms at 5-star hotels, we display the average price, excluding outliers, specifically the top 1% and bottom 1% of prices. Cities are ranked both globally and regionally and also show the percentage change in price compared to the two previous months.